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Feeeders and Growers
Sep 7, 20208 min read
Why bottle feeding and supplementing with formula may help you breastfeed
Yes there are some instances where bottle feeding & supplementing with formula or donated breast milk can help you get to full breastfeeding
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Feeeders and Growers
Aug 20, 20204 min read
The benefits of skin-to-skin contact with mom and baby on feeding your 35-38 weeker
One very simple yet highly effective intervention that all new moms should be using to help their 34, 35, 36, 37, and 38 weeker learn to eat
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Feeeders and Growers
Aug 19, 20204 min read
8 things to know about breastfeeding your 36 weeker baby
Babies born even a little early- like 35-38 weeks gestation are often really hard to feed and no one really warns moms about that.
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Feeeders and Growers
Jul 14, 20204 min read
4 modifications to BLW to play to the natural strengths of a baby with Down syndrome
There are certain modifications you can make to Baby Led Weaning (BLW) to play to common strengths experienced by babies with Down syndrome.
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Feeeders and Growers
Jul 6, 20207 min read
Can my baby with special needs, or developmental delays do Baby Led Weaning?
We were recently asked to write a guest post about using Baby-Led Weaning to transition to solids for infants with Down syndrome for the...
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Feeeders and Growers
May 18, 20205 min read
Getting Back on Track when Responsive Feeding Goes Awry
For therapists who are new to baby feeding, there is a distinct difference between falling asleep due to fatigue and shutting down (neuro
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Feeeders and Growers
Mar 17, 20201 min read
Infant Feeding Myth #5: Baby food
MYTH FIVE: “ You should serve baby food and kid food to your kids.” The idea that we NEED "baby food" or "kid food" is the myth here....
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Feeeders and Growers
Mar 17, 20202 min read
Infant Feeding Myth #4: Rice cereal
Why you should skip rice cereal for your baby
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Feeeders and Growers
Mar 17, 20201 min read
Infant Feeding Myth #3: One food at a time
MYTH THREE: “Start slow. Only give your baby ONE new food at a time and give the SAME food for 3-5 days in a row.” FALSE Although many...
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Feeeders and Growers
Mar 17, 20201 min read
Infant Feeding Myth #2: Avoiding Allergenic Foods
There are many common feeding myths when it comes to feeding your baby.
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Feeeders and Growers
Mar 6, 20203 min read
Top Infant feeding MYTHS!
The tongue thrust reflex is helpful to infants while they are learning to eat and transitioning to solids especially when using BLW.
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