Meet our Team of
Pediatric Feeding Experts

Hi, everyone! I’m Kary- one half of the Feeders & Growers team! I'm a mother of 2 children and a pediatric Occupational Therapist with over 15 years of experience. I’ve honed my expertise in the area of feeding and eating through years of working with a huge variety of infants, children and families. I specialize in the dynamic nature of food shared between a parent and a child and all the components of what drives successful participation from both the parent and the child.
I've worked in large children's hospitals with medically complex and fragile infants and children but I've also spent years supporting typically developing infants and kiddos who struggle in small and large ways to eat. ​
This is my passion and my life’s work. I care deeply about how we show love, fortify health, and teach powerful life lessons through the simple and repetitive act of feeding our family. My super power is that I’ve helped hundreds of families do this.
Hello! I’m Kim, the other half of the F&G team! I live in the Bay Area with my picky eater husband (he says he just has good taste), daughter Maeve, and golden retriever pup Bailey. In our house, dog hair is a fashion statement and a condiment. I love to read awful romance novels, cook, eat cookies, watch Jeopardy (every night) and drink coffee in bed on chilly mornings! Maeve keeps me on my toes (or on the floor mat to be honest) and makes me smile and laugh way too much.
I’m also a pediatric occupational therapist, and have spent my career in some of the biggest Childrens hospitals on the west coast. I’m nerdy by nature and love spending time learning about new diagnoses and conditions and problem solving how I can help a child or family live a more purposeful life. I truly believe that occupation—how we spend our time, either leisure, work, play—can be nourishing and health promoting. I believe that we grow in times of vulnerability with the right support. And the occupation of mealtime and eating is, in my opinion, one of the best ways to share love, learn how to connect and share, work through fears, and build bravery and strength.

Together we are Feeders & Growers, an educational platform committed to expanding your point of view and your skill set through evidenced-based yet engaging online feeding courses for OTs, feeding therapists, and parents. In particular we specialize in baby-led weaning, picky eating and swallowing issues (aka dysphagia)