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Feeeders and Growers
Nov 16, 20201 min read
My doctor said Baby Led Weaning isn’t safe. Now what?
Pediatricians are essential and incredibly knowledgeable on so many topics it makes our heads spin. And 100% of the time you should trust...
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Feeeders and Growers
Nov 9, 20202 min read
How to not yell at my kid at mealtimes
If you're consistently feeling stressed at mealtimes consider the following calming practice at the start of, or immediately before every...
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Feeeders and Growers
Nov 2, 20204 min read
Finding a feeding therapy specialist for your baby or child
Is your baby or child struggling with feeding? Pretty sure you need feeding therapy but not sure where to start? As feeding specialists,...
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Feeeders and Growers
Oct 26, 20206 min read
13 Common Baby Led Weaning Issues and What To Do About Them
We’ve long joked that Baby-Led Weaning is thelazy parents way to feed your baby. We say that only partly in jest because truly Baby -Led...
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Feeeders and Growers
Oct 18, 20205 min read
Spoons & Baby-Led Weaning
Myth: Baby-led Weaning (BLW) and spoons don’t mix. Not true! At the heart of BLW is the idea that your baby gets to feed himself—which...
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Feeeders and Growers
Oct 1, 20204 min read
The ugly side of breastfeeding: D-MER
So, I first noticed that something was different when I was about ten days postpartum. I was changing Maeve's diaper (which she screamed...
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Feeeders and Growers
Sep 22, 20202 min read
My baby cries and tantrums when I serve food he doesn’t like. What should I do?
If you're baby often cries or throws a fit when he doesn't get the food he wants, you do not need to fix it for him.
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Feeeders and Growers
Sep 7, 20208 min read
Why bottle feeding and supplementing with formula may help you breastfeed
Yes there are some instances where bottle feeding & supplementing with formula or donated breast milk can help you get to full breastfeeding
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Feeeders and Growers
Sep 6, 20202 min read
The low down on finger feeding to support a newborn with breastfeeding
It’s widely accepted in the breastfeeding community that offering bottles early on can negatively impact the baby’s ability to breastfeed...
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Feeeders and Growers
Aug 30, 20207 min read
Why you might want to use a Supplemental Nursing System (SNS) for breastfeeding & how to use it
Learning to breastfeed can take time and practice and even a whole bunch of tools you didn’t know existed before your baby was born! Some...
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Feeeders and Growers
Aug 20, 20204 min read
The benefits of skin-to-skin contact with mom and baby on feeding your 35-38 weeker
One very simple yet highly effective intervention that all new moms should be using to help their 34, 35, 36, 37, and 38 weeker learn to eat
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Feeeders and Growers
Aug 19, 20204 min read
8 things to know about breastfeeding your 36 weeker baby
Babies born even a little early- like 35-38 weeks gestation are often really hard to feed and no one really warns moms about that.
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Feeeders and Growers
Jul 21, 20203 min read
Helping a baby with special needs & developmental delay transition to solids using Baby-Led Weaning
Before we get into using BLW let’s quickly explore the “traditional method” of transitioning to solids and the usual recommendation...
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Feeeders and Growers
Jul 14, 20204 min read
4 modifications to BLW to play to the natural strengths of a baby with Down syndrome
There are certain modifications you can make to Baby Led Weaning (BLW) to play to common strengths experienced by babies with Down syndrome.
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Feeeders and Growers
Jul 6, 20207 min read
Can my baby with special needs, or developmental delays do Baby Led Weaning?
We were recently asked to write a guest post about using Baby-Led Weaning to transition to solids for infants with Down syndrome for the...
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Feeeders and Growers
Jul 2, 202011 min read
How we use Motivational Interviewing in our feeding therapy practice
Ever wondered how to use Motivational Interviewing in your feeding therapy practice? We explore this topic and offer scripts and ideas.
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Feeeders and Growers
Jun 15, 20206 min read
Discussing racism & other challenging topics with our kids at meals, part 2
Talking to your toddler or young child about racism can be challenging but is so important
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Feeeders and Growers
Jun 8, 20205 min read
Mealtime conversations: discussing racism & other challenging topics with kids, part 1
We believe that reading books to toddlers that feature diverse characters with different races and abilities doing fun and exciting stuff is
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Feeeders and Growers
Jun 5, 20202 min read
Our stance on racism
We write this with heavy hearts from the weight of recent events (too many to list here sadly, but a few being the murder of George...
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Feeeders and Growers
May 25, 20205 min read
5 Reasons to use Motivational Interviewing in your feeding therapy work
There are so many reasons we love Motivational Interviewing and use it in our feeding therapy practice!
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